Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Whom Are You Living For?

A very simple question, “Whom are you living for?” The answer is in His Word.

“And He died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for Him who died for them and was raised again”. – II Corinthians 5:15

If we are true believers, true disciples of Jesus Christ, true followers --- then the answer is as simple as the question: we no longer live for our self but for Him (Jesus) who died for us.

Are we living for Jesus? Or, are we living for someone or something else. Are we living for Jesus and His kingdom purposes? Or, are we living for other purposes. Are we living just to get from paycheck to paycheck to pay the bills, to pay the “man”? Are we living to have more? Are we living to ___________ --- you fill in the blank. I’m not saying we should not work to provide for our needs and wants. That’s a given. We have a responsibility to provide for our families and to not let our debts go unpaid (Rom. 13:8). However, I believe our attitude toward that objective comes into play as we examine – “Whom are we living for?” Yes, we are in the world. A world created by God Almighty. But this will not be the final resting place of our souls. Paul also states in II Corinthians 4:18, “For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

So, while we are here let us remember that we are to live for Christ who died for us. Let us live for His kingdom and His kingdom purposes. Let us live that others may see Christ in us that they too may come to live for Him.

Bottom Line: Whom are you living for? May it be for Him who died for you and was raised again to set you free from sin and death. Amen? Amen!