Monday, October 10, 2016

"... strong tower..."

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." -- Proverbs 18:10

 Hearing the word "safe" in this scripture reminds me of playing "Hide and Seek" as a kid. If you made it back to the base you would yell out for all to hear, "Free Base!" Meaning that you were safe from being caught. And, if you were "it" you would say, "Got you!", when you did catch someone.

I have heard people say, "God is out to get me.", when things did not go their way. Hear me loud and clear -- God is not out to get us! God is the "free base".  He is the strong tower. He is our refuge. He is our source of security and safety in all things. Amen?

When you need a friend, He's the free base -- run to Him, the Strong Tower.
When you need comforting, He's the free base -- run to Him, the Strong Tower.
When you are not sure of directions, He's the free base -- run to Him -- the Strong Tower.
When you are in trouble, He's the free base -- run to Him, the Strong Tower.

Bottom Line: Who is our strong tower?  May the strong tower in our life always, always, always -- be the LORD God Almighty -- the maker of heaven and earth. And, may we always run to Him for in Him we now and always will have a "free base" where we are safe.

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