There is life in death.
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." John 12:24
For many years I planted a small garden in my back yard. Tomatoes, beans, squash, turnips. For the last couple of years I have helped my dad plant a small garden -- mostly green beans and purple hull peas. All that is required is sun, soil, water, and the seeds. I would till the soil, add some fertilizer, form the rows, plant the seeds, water and then depended on God for the sunshine. After a week you could begin seeing little green sprigs breaking the ground. There is life in death. There is life in the burying of a seed and it produces an abundance of fruit and other seed. We ate the fruit of the garden all summer and into the fall.
We recently celebrated resurrection Sunday. Remembering that Jesus' death produced a life that no one had known before. His death became the beginning of a new life and an everlasting life for all who believe.
For God so loved the world the He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." -- John 3:16
Our life in Christ is a new beginning for us here on earth. There is life in us dying to our old ways. We become a new creation in Him (II Corinthians 5:17). So, I ask us all -- What we we doing with this new life? Are we reproducing? Are we new? Yes, indeed! But are we letting our new life bring forth "many seeds". Are we helping others who do not know to see the new life in Him? Are we living our new life for all to see? Are we taking our new life seriously enough to share it with others? Are we telling them that there is life everlasting through Him?
Bottom Line: Jesus' death brought life and continues to bring forth life. Even life everlasting. May our new life in Him continue to produce "many seeds" of new life. May we share our new life in Him with others so they to may have everlasting life. Amen? Amen.